This pie chart is showing the age range and we can see that 57% of the audience were 17-19. This will help me when making my video as I can aim it at my age group.
This graph is showing me that 26% of people we asked preferred folk rock music, this helps me because I wanted to do a folk rock music video and now I know that most people prefer it to other genres.
This question was asked about folk rock music videos and it is telling me what costumes most people would expect to see in folk rock music videos. As we can see it is indie clothing such as chinos and shirts.
This graph is helping in the making of my music video because I know that my target audience will be expecting to see a lot of close ups and some mid and long shots. This means when making my music video I can use these shot types to keep my audience happy.
This bar chart helps show me what type of artists my target audience like. As we can see from the results that Ed Sheeran is the favoured artist followed by Mumfrd and Sons. This will help me make a decision on which artist to chose as I know that my audience will like a song from Ed Sheeran or Mumford and Sons.
This pie chart helps tell me what types of instruments I will need to get, this will help make my music video successful because my target audiencnce expect to see these instruments, most people want to see guitar and banjos in the video as they are seen in the genres music videos.
My target audience have also given me type of effects that they wold expect to see in my genre music video. The top two effects that my target audience want to see are slow motion and filters and from my other research I have seen that these two effects are used commonly in my genre of music videos. They have also given other effects to think about such as overlays and the use of colour.
Overall, my target audience have given me a lot of information to take in and I know who my ideal audience member would be. They would be female, aged 17-19, they enjoy folk rock music and like to listen to Ed Sheeran and Mumford and Sons. My target audience have also given me the type of costumes and effects that I should use in my video to help me make it successful and look professional. They have also helped me by telling what type of instruments I should use to make it look likle a professional piece of work. My research has also told me what I should put on album cover, things such as a picture of the artist and their name, also the name of the album.