Tuesday, 2 October 2012

3. Technical Tutorials

Green Screen:

Below is a short music video that we created to help us get use to the green screening. It has helped us in many areas and opens the door for us to use the green screen in our final music video. We had to set up and take apart the green screen as well as the lights that are used to go with it. Then we edited the video using final cut and using this we manged to remove the green and place in a picture of our choice. Although the video isn't the best quality it has still allowed us to practice with the screen.

Creating this music video has given me many new skills such as:

Using the green screen effectively both on camera and editing.
Setting up the lighting to go with the green screen.
Setting up and taking down the green screen appropriately.
How to use final cut to edit with the green screen using chroma keyer which is an effect in final cut.
It has also shown me how to add in an image to the video so it look professional.


Here is a video showing some techniques that I have learn't on Photoshop.

In the video I am taking a picture and making the lady in the green the main focus. To do this I use motion blur on the whole picture which makes everything blurry. I then use a mask which allows me to draw around one object/ person so that they are not effected by the motion blur. Then I play with the Hue and Saturation of the image to help give it some better colour and make it seem that the women is more important then the rest of the people around her.

These skills help me and my group create a practice CD cover for our chosen genre. Below is the CD cover we made using Photoshop.

The key features of our CD cover are:

  • We used and research into record labels to find a suitable label which produces the genre of music that we have chosen. Our research indicated that Sony Music Entertainment was a successful record label for our genre. The image of the record label had a white background but we removed this using the magic wand tool.
  • We took pictures of the artist of the album, as it was a practice the clothes he is wearing isn't quite what we will use but they were close to the costume for the genre we want. Using Photoshop we took out the background so that it is just the artist standing there. 
  • The backgrounds used are pictures of instruments from the genre that we have chosen, on the right side (front) we see a guitar and on the left (back) we see a drum kit. These are both instruments that our audience said they would expect to see in our music video. We had to shape the images to the right shape using Photoshop's free transform tool. 
  • The font of the text used matches the type used on other albums that we found during our research. We used Da Font to help find this font, we then made it stand out to the audience so that it is clear and easy to read. Photoshop allows us to put the font straight in and use it. 
  • A list of songs on the album is also seen on the back of the album as this is a convention of albums, we used the same font and colour for the list of songs and for the title as we wanted to make the cover seem professional and our research showed us that fonts are kept the same on ever CD cover. 
  • We then added in other small items such as the barcode, writing on the spine and the record label logo on the spine. These small things are conventions of CD covers, and without them the finished piece wouldn't seem professional.

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